'Healthy Food choices ward off chronic diseases and make you healthy' How?

Healthy food choices

Healthy food choices are the optimum way to ward off chronic illness, slow aging and maximize your longevity.

As you know The most famous saying:

"Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

But most of the people don't implement on this practice. If you select good food, it surely give you benefits at every angle, get organic food as much as you can. 

Medical nutrition therapy nowadays considered as a supportive therapy - a medical approach against chronic illness, but yet not get achievements in the field of modern medications.

It's up to you totally how to be live on healthy choices. You can remove inflammation by choosing right practices regarding healthy nutrition.

A chronic inflammation causes common diseases. Inflammation is considered as the centre of illness conditions from heart disease to hypertension to obesity to diabetes, depression, cancer, arthritis.

The major rule is played by selection of foods that we have been eating since fifty years that cause inflammation.

How to combat? 

You have the most powerful weapon to combat inflammation does not come from pharmacy but from the grocery store, from your accurate, balanced selection of foods, from your positive practice of living and eating healthy diet.

The most powerful drug you can consume is the food you eat each day. 

Selection of right anti-inflammatory foods, may lower your risk of illness.

If you pick wrong ones in a consistent way may accelerate the inflammatory disease process.

The key is to create a physiological state in which insulin hormone should be balanced by maintaining your diet in an optimal range. The goal is to keep insulin levels less than 5mU/ml.

The foods that are anti-inflammatory include lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant-based proteins (like nuts and beans), fresh herbs, fatty fish and spices.

How to follow anti-inflammatory diet?

Steps are given below:

  • Drink anti-inflammatory herbal teas
  • Eat less than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day.
  • Cut down high carbs and switch to diet high in vegetables and healthy fats.
  • Eat only healthy fat as fats are good for proper functioning of body but just good fats no transfats.
  • Take fish three times a week.
  • Eat organic diet as much as possible.
  • Eat high-protein nuts three times a week.
  • Avoid wheat and dairy products.
  • Eat plenty of raw salads and vegetables.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses water per day.
  • Use spices such as garlic,ginger,turmeric,black pepper,cumin.
  • Eat plenty of natural probiotic foods.
  • Avoid modern and inflammatory diet and foods such as processed snacks, sugary items, cake, white sugar, white flour and soft cheese.
 In order to reduce chronic inflammation take intermittent fasting a few times per week is the best way.

Reducing chronic inflammation is vital to successful aging and reduce risk of cardio-metabolic disease.
In addition to diet, toxic body loads, hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise, deficiency of vital nutrients, and excessive mind stress will all increase inflammation and chronic disease so, an integral personalized nutrition program is the optimum way to slow aging and increase the expectancy of longevity.

Personalized nutrition helps to set a diet plan by taking into consideration both environmental and psychosomatic factors.
It's strategy of an individual, targeted, holistic, comprehensive nutritional advice that urge him to stay in limitations and treat all forms of sickness/disease.
It helps how to manage chronic disorders, and to work on trigger foods that cause diseases. Disorders ranging from obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease.
This personalized nutritional diet urge an individual to improve his overall wellness who cannot figure out the problem but would like to live a more energetic healthy animated life.
It gives you healthy concept to improve health performance.

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